You Need to Clean Your Terrazzo Frequently in Miami

Terrazzo Floor Cleaning Service Miami

Terrazzo Floor Cleaner Miami

Cleaning Terrazzo Miami

It is very important to realize that terrazzo requires special care to maintain and should not be cleaned like other floors. Luckily, terrazzo is an incredibly long-lasting floor that combined with a sealer can resist many forms of damage while also preserving its pristine look, so cleaning terrazzo is actually very simple. All you need is a damp mop or dust sweeper to collect any particles such as dust, dirt, or sand and prevent it from accumulating. This does not have to be done every single day and instead depends on how much foot traffic your terrazzo experiences. Contrary to popular belief, maintaining Terrazzo is quite minimal and easy. The mistake many terrazzo owners make when they first have their first terrazzo installed is using the same all-purpose cleaner that they used on their previous flooring.

Terrazzo and many other natural stone floors are very sensitive to acid substances and an all-purpose cleaner has an acidic pH. This can lead to discoloration, stains, and can even remove the polish due to chemical interactions between the acidic substance and the terrazzo. Make sure the cleaners you buy are specialized for terrazzo and are pH balanced to avoid any damages. Look up the product on multiple sources to determine if it is safe to use and read reviews to determine if the product is safe and reliable. Another thing to avoid is household compounds to clean such as vinegar. For the same reason stated before, new terrazzo owners make the mistake of cleaning their floor like how they previously did with their last one and end up damaging the floor.

The majority of cleaning will be minimal with the mop or dust sweeper as previously mentioned, but this is an extra cleaning option that with the proper amount of caution can spice up your terrazzo. Cleaning your terrazzo as needed is essential in preventing dirt and dust buildup that can deteriorate the condition of your floor through scratches and loss of polish. Light but consistent maintenance is the key to having a beautiful and long lasting terrazzo floor.

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